January 2018

BPW Connection | January 2018

Join the Upper Keys BPW for our first meeting of the new year!

It's a luncheon, Wednesday, January 17, at the Holiday Inn, Key Largo (African Queen Room,) from 11:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.  Our speaker this month is Brenda Carr, speaking about the Upper Keys solar initiative vote coming up in February. 
Maria DiPasqua Jones of the Florida Keys Electric Cooperative will also be in attendance to answer questions.


Jan 17: Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Holiday Inn, African Queen Room with guest speaker Brenda Carr from the League of Women Voters sharing information on Solar Initiative. 
Feb 21: Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Holiday Inn, African Queen Room
Mar 21: Evening Networking Event. Location TBA.
Apr 18: Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., Holiday Inn, African Queen Room (New 2018 Board Member Elections)
May 17: Evening Networking Event and Induction of New Board of Directors. Location TBA.

Board of Directors2017-18 
PresidentLaura Maupin
President ElectIlja Chapman305/998-8348
Vice Presidents
Miriam Lazcos, Membership                                305-926-3125                                                     mlazcos@gmail.com
Suzi Youngberg, Hospitality
Theresa Sutter786/361-5404
Jennifer Cappadona                                            727/967-4178                                                  jrs1129@hotmail.com 
SecretaryKate Banick
Pam Martin305/853-0907

Would you like to get more out of your BPW experience? Consider a position on the 2018-19 Board of Directors. Nominations are open now, and voting will be held at the April 18th luncheon. 
Submit your nomination(s) to: info@upperkeysbpw.org.

Mail: P. O.  Box 231, Tavernier, Fl  33070
President's Message 
Happy New Year BPW members and friends! We made it! 2017 is now a memory and we thought an annual recap might be fun. 
This time last year we were gearing up to hear from Retz Reeves, our longtime member and financial guru. Her talk was super informative on how women can take on more financial responsibility and understanding. Then in February we welcomed Debbie Goldberg, spiritual mentor and therapist and she shared valuable insights of how to care for yourself through a practice of acceptance and love. In March, president elect, Ilja Chapman sponsored Bayside & Bubbles at Amoray Resort. We had a great turnout, in spite of the weather and boat not cooperating, and raised over $500 for our women’s scholarship fund. In April, Marlo DeMoss gave us lots of helpful tips and materials on financial planning. Then in May we met up at Corks & Curds to install our 2017/2018 Board of Directors. What a great evening! In June Cheryl Meads joined us for a sellout event and shared her story of leadership and ethics We also presented Paula Wheaton with a scholarship. July was a spectacular Trivia Night sponsored by The Catch Restaurant, where I learned so much and just how popular trivia is in this community. In August Scott and Suzi Youngberg created a terrific Sing Along sponsored by Just The Thing Bistro in Islamorada and we had a ball. September brought us Hurricane Irma, and you all know that story. In October we gathered at Skippers Dockside to award Ilja Chapman Woman of the Year and Sun 103.1 with Business of the Year. Hillary Janzen and Holly Raschein were our scholarship recipients. November was an informative luncheon with county commissioner Sylvia Murphy and last month Theresa Sutter graciously opened her beautiful home on the Bay for our annual Holiday Party. It was a lovely evening and the weather was perfect. It was so much fun spending time with you all.
As we look forward in 2018, we are planning to share more healthy women’s topics and continue to grow personally and professionally together.
Upper Keys BPW has recently partnered with Lucy Given, mother of beloved Holly, who tragically lost her life less than a month ago. Lucy shared with us her daughters vision of inspiring and empowering women in her hometown community and we feel honored to help her facilitate this. Please help us share throughout the community. We are planning to give the first scholarship in April. Application and details are on our website at upperkeysbpw.org under the scholarship tab.
This month Brenda Carr of League of Women Voters is sharing information on the Solar Initiative and Maria DiPasqua Jones of the Florida Keys Electric Cooperative will also be in attendance to answer questions. This is a great learning opportunity for anyone in our community. Bring a friend! 
Laura Maupin

Thanks to everyone who attended our annual Holiday Party in December! A good time was had by all, and the ornament exchange was a lot of fun, as always. Thanks again to Theresa Sutter for opening her home to us for the party; she did an amazing job and it was a beautiful location. 

The Upper Keys BPW meets once a month, on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We alternate between luncheons and evening networking events, and would love for you to join us! Click the button to see our event schedule and register for an upcoming event. 

If you or your business would be interested in sponsoring one or more of our events, let us know and we'll provide you with details and prices. bpwupperkeys@gmail.com. 
Stay tuned for more information on sponsorship opportunities.

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