March 2018

BPW Connection | March 2018

Upper Keys BPW is pleased to announce a very special March luncheon! Our speaker this month is Congresswoman Gwen Graham!

She will be joined late by her father, former Florida Governor & Senator Bob Graham. We are excited to welcome the Graham family and hope you will join us for this special event. 

Wednesday, March 21st, at Holiday Inn, Key Largo (African Queen & Casa 1 rooms) from 11:00* A.M. - 1:00 P.M.** 
*Please note earlier start time.*
**Bob Graham will be arriving late due to a schedule conflict, so plan extra time for this lunch, if possible. We will have the room open until 3:00 pm.** 

Although we are disappointed that Mr. Graham has had a schedule change, as a professional women’s business group, we are more than happy to have an extended experience with a high-level female politician and potentially the next Governor of Florida. This is going to be an exciting and informative meeting!

Seating is limited! Register now: MARCH LUNCHEON REGISTRATION

Want to get more from your membership? Become more involved!
Submit your nomination(s) to
Voting at the April 18th Meeting!

March Greetings BPW members and friends!
We’ve just about made it to springtime! Did you celebrate the International Day of Women on March 8th? It sure seemed to be a big event this year, and a great reminder of how much we can accomplish together. That’s what I love about this organization, our continued connection and friendships through the years. The possibilities are limitless when we put our minds together. And this month we are proud and excited to be able to bring you former Governor Bob Graham and his daughter Gwen as our luncheon speakers on Wednesday the 21st. Thank you to our longtime member and director, Pam Martin for her tireless efforts in making this event happen. This will be an incredible opportunity for our community and members to hear about our state and federal governments happenings in real time. 
I hope you’ve registered and will be joining us!
Next month will be an evening event celebrating Adult Women Scholarship recipients of both the BPW and The Holly Given Memorial Scholarships. Our location is yet to be determined, but rest assured, it will be an evening of great celebration and fun. We are honored to work with Holly’s mom Lucy on creating a giving legacy in her daughters name. Mark your calendar’s for April 18 from 5 to 7 PM.
We will also be announcing and voting on the 2018/2019 BPW Board of Directors. There’s still time if you’re interested in serving, please reach out to one of the current board members and we will include you.
Then in May we will celebrate and install the new board at another evening event on May 16th from 5:30-7pm.
These past two years serving our organization as president has flown by and been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling opportunities I could’ve ever dreamt of. Thank you so much for the friendships and support and most of all, Connection!
Laura Maupin

Mar 21: Luncheon, 11:00 a.m., Holiday Inn, Key Largo (African Queen & Casa 1 Rooms) with special speaker Bob Graham.
Apr 18: Evening Networking Event: New 2018 Board Member Elections & Adult Scholarship Presentations. Location TBA. 
May 17: Evening Networking Event:  Induction of New Board of Directors for 2018-2019.      Location TBA.

The Upper Keys BPW meets once a month, on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We alternate between luncheons and evening networking events, and would love for you to join us! Click the button to see our full event schedule and register for an upcoming event. 
If you or your business would be interested in sponsoring one or more of our lunches or evening events, let us know and we'll provide you with details and prices. 
Stay tuned for more information on sponsorship opportunities.

   bpw|member SPOTLIGHT

Meet Jill Kuehnert
Jill Kuehnert moved to Key Largo last May, and joined the Upper Keys BPW almost as soon as she heard about it.
“I lived in Singapore for over ten years, but it took me five years there before I joined PrimeTime, the local professional women’s association,” Jill says. But once she found the courage to attend her first event, she immediately made new contacts and even met a few best friends. She vowed to find similar organizations much more quickly the next time she moved.
“As soon as I read about the Upper Keys BPW, I joined immediately, before attending my first event or even talking to a member. And it was a great decision!” says Jill.
Jill’s professional work as a science communications adviser takes her all over the world. In fact, she’s off to Nigeria in March for training with scientists who are developing disease-resistant and more nutritious varieties of cassava, an important root crop.
Jill decided to focus primarily on agriculture science communications in developing countries when she left the corporate world ten years ago and named her consulting business Seed Stories. “Agriculture supports food security and nutrition, the environment, and livelihoods, especially for farm families in Africa and Asia. The science behind it is increasingly complex so good communications is vital in earning public understanding and support.”
Saying she can be based anywhere there’s “good internet and a decent international airport nearby”, Jill was game to settle in the Keys when husband Glenn wanted to launch his own post-corporate career as a boat captain and SCUBA instructor.
Now that she’s here, Jill is learning all she can about her new hometown community and the unique natural environment that supports it. “Events hosted by the Upper Keys BPW on topics such as the solar co-op (which we’ve already joined) and the health of Florida Bay are a great way to connect with women who are leading important changes,” she says. “I’m happy to be in the club!”

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