September 2018

BPW Connection | September 2018

We're doing something a little different for the September meeting!  

Join us for dinner at Marker 88 Restaurant, (inside!) MM88 Bayside, Islamorada. Three entree choices will be offered, we'll have a cash bar, and dessert is being provided by our very own past president, Laura Maupin!  Thanks Laura!

Reserve your space in advance: CLICK HERE


Thanks to these 3 BPW Members for co-sponsoring the September Dinner Event at Marker 88 Restaurant!

Jenn Cappadona

Jackie Harder

Ilja Chapman, President

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”  - Helen Keller
The definition of teamwork is the combined efforts of a group of people working together effectively to achieve a goal.
For me, teamwork has been the core of my hospitality career. I have been fortunate to lead several hotel teams in different countries and work with many departments. Today, running my business from my home-based office, I don’t have that dynamic of a team anymore but I am happy to say that Upper Keys BPW team is making up for that.
One of the greatest gifts you can give in life is your time -- #volunteer. The Upper Keys Business and Professional Women is based on volunteers and I am so excited to see the enthusiasm and involvement of more and more members in the committees to make BPW successful.
In the last few weeks, we have seen successes by the Political Forum, the Mentoring and Scholarship committees. The Scholarship Committee has determined the 2018 fall choices for the UKBPW fund and the Holly Given fund to be dispersed; we will award the recipients during the Wednesday dinner.
Thank you to all committee chairs and members for your time and for being involved with our organization. Your input will help support our members and the community.
This month we have a team of BPW members sponsoring the dinner event at MM 88. Our goal as an organization is to raise a minimum of $250 each month which goes directly to the scholarship fund. Three members will be in the spot light this month for their monetary support and our immediate past president is supporting our organization by providing desserts for our Wednesday dinner event!
In October, we have one more team opportunity. The Upper Keys BPW members will join forces and walk on Saturday, Oct. 13 in Key West to raise money for the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Event. Our very own Suzi Youngberg will tell us about this fundraiser at dinner tomorrow and show you how easy it is to join our team.
Looking forward to having dinner with you on Wednesday. Besides the many BPW goals we have, an important one is still to connect and share our stories during our monthly events with each other. Working and networking with this diverse group of women sure gives me energy and inspiration!

Ilja Chapman

September 19: Dinner Event. Marker 88 Restaurant. 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM.
October 17: Political Forum, Evening Event. Whale Harbor. 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Meet the Candidates!
November 14: Luncheon.  Holiday Inn, Key Largo. 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM

The Upper Keys BPW meets once a month, on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We alternate between luncheons and evening networking events, and would love for you to join us! Click the button to see our full event schedule and register for an upcoming event. 
If you or your business would be interested in sponsoring one or more of our lunches or evening events, let us know!  More information on sponsorship cost and benefits can be found below. Help us fund our Adult Scholarship program, and promote your business.
The cost to sponsor an event is $250.
With the sponsorship you receive the following benefits and opportunities:
  • Logo/branding:
    • Event E-vite emailed three times to a database of 500 people
    • Monthly BPW member Newsletter emailed a few days prior to event
    • Mention at Upper Keys BPW social media
  • One Free dedicated business E-Blast to our membership with a message your business likes to share
  • Display table and/or hand outs to all attendees
  • Banner display at the luncheon
  • Two FREE entrees to the luncheon
  • 5 minute speaking time at the luncheon directed to all attendees

   bpw|member SPOTLIGHT

Meet Brenda Carr
After being frequent visitors, my husband and I finally moved to Key Largo in 2013. We were both born and raised in the southern United States, so Key Largo felt like "home" - a small rural town with friendly neighbors and lots of green space. The fact that Key Largo is also an international tourist destination surrounded by beautiful waterways, National Parks, and a Marine Sanctuary was a bonus.

I retired from the Federal Aviation Administration in 2014 where I served for many years as an Aviation Safety Inspector. Currently, I am the President of Aviation Safety Management Systems, a private consulting firm providing regulatory and program support to organizations that hold, or are applying to hold, an FAA operating certificate.
In 2016, I heard a speaker from the League of Women Voters (LWV) explain the Amendments without telling the audience how to vote. That was refreshing. I learned that the LWV is nonpartisan, never endorsing parties or candidates, dedicated to empowering voters and defending democracy. Since I believe that there is a direct relationship between the health of a democracy and the level of voter participation, I joined the LWV.
Later, I attended a Business and Professional Women's (BPW) meeting and was impressed with the grassroots mission of the BPW to support working women. Since I believe that if you change a woman's life, most likely she will share her knowledge with her sisters, daughters and friends, I also joined the BPW.
Being involved in both BPW and LWV allows me to spend time on multiple issues that speak to my heart. I believe the collaboration and information flow between the two organizations increases my ability to make a difference. And I enjoy the friends I have made in both organizations. We are people who care to make a difference.

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