October 2018

BPW Connection | October 2018

Please join us on October 17th for the Upper Keys BPW Political Forum!

Our Political Forums are known for asking the tough questions.  Come and meet the candidates and hear them answer questions that are of interest to Upper Keys residents.

We will also be announcing and awarding the 2018 Woman and Business of the Year!

Reserve your space in advance: CLICK HERE

Ilja Chapman, President
October is a commemorative month to raise awareness for many causes.

The first thing that comes to my mind is October 4th, World Animal Day; a celebration day that left a significant impact in my life. It started as a young girl due to the fun fact that all kids in the Netherlands are encouraged to bring their pet to school on October 4th. They still do it today!  Can you imagine the stress on the teachers? When you see me next, ask me what animal I brought to school.

The month of October has been the traditional breast cancer awareness month since 1985. The Upper keys BPW proudly supported the cause this year with a team walking for “The American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer,” held on Saturday, October 13th in Key West. We raised almost $600 for the cause and raised awareness for our organization at the same time.

October is also National Women’s Small Business Month. It is a time to recognize and applaud the talented, dedicated and driven women whose entrepreneurial spirit helps drive our community’s economy forward.

Congratulations to all women!

Each year our members can nominate women and businesses from within our organization and vote to choose a winner for Woman of the Year and Business of the Year. We will recognize this year’s nominees during the Political Forum held Wednesday October 17th, in the presence of many community members. The winners will be announced and awarded at that time.

It is so important in life to celebrate our successes. Next year the Upper Keys Business and Professional Women will be celebrating 100 years of existence. A reason to celebrate and we look forward to celebrating with you and our fellow BPW sisters throughout Florida! I encourage you to reach out to me if you are interested in being part of the organizing and planning for this celebration. It is going to be Epic.

We are very fortunate with the support and input received from our board and committee members that help keep Upper Keys BPW relevant and fun. I hope you will agree and join me in thanking them for all they do.

Ilja Chapman

October 17: Political Forum, Evening Event. Whale Harbor. 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Meet the Candidates!
November 14: Luncheon.  Holiday Inn, Key Largo. 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM
December 19: Holiday Party! Save the Date. More details coming soon.

The Upper Keys BPW meets once a month, on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We alternate between luncheons and evening networking events, and would love for you to join us! Click the button to see our full event schedule and register for an upcoming event. 
If you or your business would be interested in sponsoring one or more of our lunches or evening events, let us know!  More information on sponsorship cost and benefits can be found below. Help us fund our Adult Scholarship program, and promote your business.
The cost to sponsor an event is $250.
With the sponsorship you receive the following benefits and opportunities:
  • Logo/branding:
    • Event E-vite emailed three times to a database of 500 people
    • Monthly BPW member Newsletter emailed a few days prior to event
    • Mention at Upper Keys BPW social media
  • One Free dedicated business E-Blast to our membership with a message your business likes to share
  • Display table and/or hand outs to all attendees
  • Banner display at the luncheon
  • Two FREE entrees to the luncheon
  • 5 minute speaking time at the luncheon directed to all attendees

   bpw|member SPOTLIGHT

Meet R. Joyce Griffin, Supervisor of Elections-Monroe Co.
I am fortunate to have worked my dream job for 34 years.  I could not ask for a more fulfilling, rewarding career.  Born and Raised in the Keys; I remember as a child, the newspaper would print a grid so that those at home on election night could fill in the results as they came in.  I was the one in charge of filling in the totals for our family.  I remember my mother taking me to the polls and watching her vote. 
It is an honor to represent the seed of democracy.  I stand strong and diligent to make sure Monroe County elections are held to the letter of the law.  I love my job, I always have, and I always will.  
When I started working at the elections office there were no computers and voters voted on leaver machines.  Everything had to be typed, and carbon paper was used.
What am I most proud of, that list is long and distinguished. I would have to say that Monroe County having a voting system that allows those voters with a disability to vote in secrecy, as the constitution promises, has made me the happiest.  In the beginning of my career when I realized that voters with disabilities did not have a secret ballot, I was so sad.  In those days a voter that was blind had to have someone read the ballot and vote for them.  Think about that, who would you want to tell those decisions to? Who would you feel comfortable relaying those decisions?  
I also have a great time adding information to our website. Our website has election totals as far back as 1932.  I could talk elections all night long, but I have reached my limit. 
Thank you for this opportunity.

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