The cost to sponsor an event is $250.
With the sponsorship you receive the following benefits and opportunities:
- Logo/branding:
- Event E-vite emailed three times to a database of 500 people
- Monthly BPW member Newsletter emailed a few days prior to event
- Mention at Upper Keys BPW social media
- One Free dedicated business E-Blast to our membership with a message your business likes to share
- Display table and/or hand outs to all attendees
- Banner display at the luncheon
- Two FREE entrees to the luncheon
- 5 minute speaking time at the luncheon directed to all attendees
bpw|member SPOTLIGHT
Meet Charlotte & Wilbur
The newest additions to Upper Keys BPW are these 2 adorable piggies!
In late June, some of the board and a couple of committee chairs, attended the BPW/FL State Conference. One of the days featured the BPW/FL Education Foundation, which provides housing opportunities for female college students at state college and university campuses across the State of Florida. Most of the BPW LO's across the state help support the Education Foundation by collecting change in a piggy bank throughout the year, and donating what they raise at the State Conference.
Our Upper Keys chapter hasn't participated, and we decided to change that. Since we didn't have money to submit at the Hawg Callin' (which is done auction style and lots of fun,) we decided we would purchase one of the piggy banks up for auction. We pooled our funds, and thanks to a couple of very generous members (Theresa Sutter and Gina Boilini,) we settled on a top bid of $250. We carefully inspected the piggies and picked the one we wanted to bid on - the sweet little rosy cheeked one with the orange ribbon.
When she came up on the auction block, we were ready! We took the bid from $20 to $250 with much laughter and merriment, and were fairly entertaining to everyone in the room. Proudly, we accepted our piggy...and quickly realized we had made a mistake. We had bid $250 on a piggy bank that was not a bank! No opening to be found. You can imagine the hysterical laughter when we realized our mistake. It turns out, our piggy was part of a pair, and her mate was the bank. The auctioneer graciously traded with us, and we were happy with the other sweet piggy bank with the red ribbon. However, when the auctioneer asked the room if anyone wanted to offer a bid on our discarded piggy, the amazing Theresa Sutter piped up and announced that we absolutely could NOT split up the pair, and she offered $200 more for them both! Needless to say, the Education Foundation was very happy with our contribution, and we are now the proud owners of a matching pair of piggies! Someone said the boy looked like Wilbur from Charlotte's Web, so they were named Charlotte and Wilbur.
Also in attendance at the conference were some young ladies who currently live in one of the Education Foundation funded houses while they are in college. Since the money our piggies raise is directly assisting them, they were very thankful for our contribution and posed for a picture with them.
Starting with this week's luncheon, Charlotte & Wilbur will be at every meeting, inviting you to empty your change purse and help fill Wilbur up. We hope to have a big donation to turn in at the Hawg Callin' next year!
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