February 2019

Join the Upper Keys BPW at our monthly meetings, the 3rd Wednesday of every month. 

BPW Connection | February 2019

Join us for the February Evening Social Event at the beautiful Mar Bar Tavernier! 

They are generously hosting and sponsoring the night, providing seafood appetizers!

Mar Bar Tavernier
Have you found this hidden gem on the banks of the Tavernier Creek, in Casa Mar Village on the old highway? 
Here are a few reasons why you should find yourself there...

               90775 Old Hwy, Tavernier, FL

Hosting and Sponsoring the Upper Keys BPW February Evening Social Event!

Ilja Chapman, President
Be yourself!
Oscar Wilde once said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” I love that quote and I believe it is applicable to all of us. No matter what industry you are in, more than ever, you have to find a way to stand out and get the attention of potential customers. And there’s not better way to do it than by being yourself. What do you have a passion for? What makes you, you?
The Upper Keys Business and Professional Women’s Development Series is designed for our community with you in mind. How can you grow, professionally and personally, to make your endeavors successful? The first session of our series, held earlier this month, taught us about how to understand and communicate with the different generations in our society. I highly recommend you join us for the second session on Saturday, March 16 where Douglas Brewer, training manager at Ocean Reef Club , will help us further develop our personal branding.
At the same time, we are working hard to create a mentoring program which will offer you the opportunity to personally grow in a way you might not have thought of. But, how do you know which person would be the perfect fit for you to team up with as a mentor or mentee, and in what?
To see if the mentoring program is for you, the Upper Keys BPW has created the perfect platform for you to learn more about the people in your community you think you already know. You might know them by name and/or their business, but do you know what their professional and/or personal skills are that make them, them? Wouldn’t it be interesting to interact with that person on a different level than luncheon chat?
Curious? Join us during the March Luncheon for a speed networking event and learn which person might be a perfect fit for you to get to know better, so both of you can grow professionally or personally.
As you might have noticed, this year the Upper Keys BPW board is all about “outside the box.” If you want to talk to me in person, discuss the programs of Upper Keys BPW or talk about our vision please feel free to call me. I would love to hear from you.
Ilja Chapman
UKBPW President 2018-19
Tel: 305-998-8348

Our first program, presented by Ocean Reef Club Training Manager Doug Brewer, Listen Up: How to Speak Last, was during the luncheon on Jan. 16.
The second program, Understanding Generations, was held on  Feb. 2nd.  Coming up next in the series, the 3rd program The Power of You: Creating Your Personal Brand, is March 16th.
All sessions will be two hours at a fee of $25 for members and $40 for non-members. We need a minimum of 10 enthusiastic participants.We encourage all our members to participate – and bring a friend!
Part of the cost of these workshops are covered by the money raised during our luncheon. Take advantage of this membership opportunity to help develop yourself professionally and personally. A sign-up sheet will be available online.
For further information, call Ilja Chapman at (305) 998-8348 or Jackie Harder (305) 451-9295.


February 20: Evening Networking Event at Mar Bar Tavernier, 90775 Old Hwy, Tavernier. 5:30-7:00 PM. Generously hosted and sponsored by Mar Bar Tavernier.
March 16:  Professional Development Series, "The Power of You: Creating Your Personal Brand" with Doug Brewer. Church of Nazarene Community Room, 100390 O/S Hwy, Key Largo. 9:30 AM-12:00 Noon.
March 20: Luncheon. 11:15 A-1:00 P. Holiday Inn-African Queen Room, Key Largo. Sponsor First State Bank. This is a special "Speed Networking" luncheon, part of our Mentor/Mentee Program. Please be punctual. We will start eating at 11:30, and start the program at 11:45.
April 17: Evening Networking Event. Sponsorship opportunities available.

March 20: Luncheon
The Upper Keys BPW meets once a month, on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We alternate between luncheons and evening networking events, and would love for you to join us! Click the button to see our full event schedule and register for an upcoming event. 

Just in from BPW/FL:
"With great sadness I need to make you aware of the resignation of our Business Manager.  A copy of the RFP for the position is attached and we encourage you to send it to your sphere of influence."
If you are interested in the position of Business Manager for BPW/FL, or know someone who might be, please download the REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL by CLICKING HERE.

The cost to sponsor an event is $250.
With the sponsorship you receive the following benefits and opportunities:
  • Logo/branding:
    • Event E-vite emailed three times to a database of 500 people
    • Monthly BPW member Newsletter emailed a few days prior to event
    • Mention at Upper Keys BPW social media
  • One Free dedicated business E-Blast to our membership with a message your business likes to share
  • Display table and/or hand outs to all attendees
  • Banner display at the luncheon
  • Two FREE entrees to the luncheon
  • 5 minute speaking time at the luncheon directed to all attendees

   bpw|member SPOTLIGHT

Meet Whitney MacEachern
I grew up in an Army family, and no matter where we lived, we always gravitated to vacations that included a beach thanks to my mom’s love of the water. My first visit to the Florida Keys was in 1992, and I was hooked.
After graduating from Villanova University, I attended the University of South Carolina where I earned a Master’s in International Business Studies and (more importantly) met my husband, Alan. I joined Citibank’s Latin America office in 1994 and promised Alan we would only be in Miami for 2 years… but somehow each time one of us was offered a position elsewhere we found a way to stay.
From intern to Vice President, I enjoyed the international travel and professional challenges in crisis communications and change management. And we spent virtually every weekend in Islamorada – can you blame us? When our children were born, I became an independent management consultant so I could juggle the family schedule and client responsibilities.
In 2015 my husband was offered a job with Monroe County and we officially made the move to the Keys. I found the entrepreneurial model I was looking for in Cirque Salon Studios, and was thrilled to open this innovative concept in Key Largo in the fall of 2018. Creating a space where independent health, beauty and wellness professionals can grow their businesses and have their own work flexibility is personally and professionally rewarding.
My grandmother, Peggy O’Connor, was president of the Blakely, PA chapter of the BPW in 1968!  It’s been an honor to be a member of the BPW, and to get to know like-minded professional women in our community. I benefited immensely from talented, female mentors in my banking career and when I look around the room at BPW events I am reminded of how much we can do when we support each other.

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