April 2019

Join the Upper Keys BPW at our monthly meetings, the 3rd Wednesday of every month. 

BPW Connection | April 2019

The April Evening Event is going to be sweet! 

Join us for One 'Sweet' Night Out at Key Largo Chocolates!

Special Thanks to Key Largo Chocolates for Hosting & Sponsoring the Evening!
100470 Overseas Hwy, Key Largo, FL

The Featured Charity this month will be the Florida Keys Wild Bird Center.
Jordan Budnik will be at the event with information on how you can help "keep them flying."
Ilja Chapman, President
This month’s message I am writing from the Netherlands, and during the long trip getting here, I let my thoughts free-flow. Here is one thought I want to share with you.
“Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” That’s a quote from Winston Churchill and one which I’ve always admired. Let that be food for thought when you encounter a problematic situation, a tough client or an obstacle.
In May, we will be celebrating the Upper Keys BPW’s successes of the past year. Our May 15 luncheon will be the official annual membership meeting and we want all our members to be there to help us celebrate. It will be BIG with a fun-filled agenda and some official components, too.
The Nominations Committee will present the slate for board of directors. Your vote is important so we can install the 2019/20 Board of Directors that same day. If you are interested and curious about serving on the board, please reach out to any of the current board members for more details.
The Upper Keys BPW scholarship recipients will be awarded during the luncheon and we have many members to be officially installed.
Board members have spent many hours working to amend our bylaws. The proposed changes were approved earlier this month and will be sent to you via email to study and ask questions. At our May annual meeting, you will be asked to vote on the proposed changes.
Last month’s speed networking and mentoring program introduction were a massive success. We got great feedback and it looks like we will be celebrating our first mentor/mentee match. You can find the mentoring packet at our website or click here to learn more about this program.
A huge thank you to all our sponsors of the past events and congratulations to all atta-girls and members’ spotlights of last year.
Mark your calendar for the biggest Upper Keys BPW luncheon yet, the annual membership meeting on May 15.
I wish you a fun networking event this Wednesday sponsored by the Key Largo Chocolate Factory.
Happy Easter!
Ilja Chapman
UKBPW President 2018-19
Tel: 305-998-8348

2019-2020 Board Of Director Nominees will be slated and voted in at the May Luncheon on May 15th.  If you would like to get more involved with the Upper Keys BPW and have an interest in joining the Board, please talk to any of the current board members or contact us at BPWUpperKeys@gmail.com. 


April 17: Evening Networking Event. One 'Sweet' Night Out at Key Largo Chocolates. 100470 O/S Hwy, Key Largo. 5:30-8:00 PM. Hosted & Sponsored by Key Largo Chocolates.  Reserve your spot now.

May 15: Luncheon. 11:30A-1:00 P. Holiday Inn-African Queen Room, Key Largo. Annual Membership Meeting and Celebrate Scholarship Recipients. Sponsorship Opportunities Available.

June 19: Evening Networking Event and Board Induction Ceremony. Sponsorship Opportunities Available.

The Upper Keys BPW meets once a month, on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We alternate between luncheons and evening networking events, and would love for you to join us! Click the button to see our full event schedule and register for an upcoming event. 

2019 State Conference

Mark your calendars!

BPW/FL State Conference
June 27-30, 2019. 
All Members Are Invited!
Call Ilja Chapman at
305-998-8348 ASAP! 
The cost to sponsor an event is $250.
With the sponsorship you receive the following benefits and opportunities:
  • Logo/branding:
    • Event E-vite emailed three times to a database of 500 people
    • Monthly BPW member Newsletter emailed a few days prior to event
    • Mention at Upper Keys BPW social media
  • One Free dedicated business E-Blast to our membership with a message your business likes to share
  • Display table and/or hand outs to all attendees
  • Banner display at the luncheon
  • Two FREE entrees to the luncheon
  • 5 minute speaking time at the luncheon directed to all attendees

 Upper Keys BPW launches its first ever mentoring program
Our March meeting had a two pronged focus -- the first, a speed networking event enjoyed by more than 30 members and women from the community, was designed to mix up the usual "sitting together with my friends" groups that happens so frequently.
We wanted to make sure our members got to know each other on a deeper level, and based on the feedback, it was a tremendous success -- one we plan to repeat again in the future, so don't despair if you couldn't make it to the first one.
The second focus of the program was to encourage participants to look at who they might like to mentor, or be mentored by.
Our Mentoring Committee -- Lesly Lopez, Jill Kuehnert, Sandi Bisceglia, BPW President Ilja Chapman and Jackie Harder, VP of Development -- spent many hours researching best practices, creating the mentoring program structure, devising the mentoring application form and agreement and more. 
We have added the mentorship packet we created for anyone who is interested in mentoring (either as a mentor or mentee) to give you an idea of the possibilities when you connect with someone you can help, and be helped by in return.
Click here for the packet, and let us know how BPW can help make your mentoring a success!

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